Make Up Air Unit
AMX Series
Make-up air unit is ideal to compensate the process exhaust air or for general ventilation to respect codes and regulations.
The installation of an Make-up air unit is the most efficient way to maintain indoor air quality by diluting airborn contaminants with outside fresh air. Also, the addition of Airextube flexible supply air duct named will eliminate the air stratification often seen in high open areas thus reducing significantly the energy consumed to heat the space.
How it Works
The outside air is drawned up through the filtered hood and passes in a serie of controlled dampers and tempering device using gas or electricity to produce energy. The tempered air then goes through the high efficiency fan to be redirected in the distribution/destratification air supply duct.
Standard Characteristics
- Rain hood
- Motorized dampers
- Acoustically insulated frame
- Gas/electric or propane heating device
- Mixing box
- Belimo motors modulating devices
- Recirculation damper
- Outside air damper
- Industrial access doors
- Air filters
- CSA approved control panel
- Remote status panel
- Reduction of infiltration of cold air and outside contaminants
- Eliminate the building indoor negative pressure.
- Improve the efficiency of gas heating equipments.
- Improve the efficiency of process exhaust equipments.
- Reduce the energy consumption.
- Airex Industries SpeedFX to modulate the amount of treaded air and reduce energy consumption.
- Energy recovery devices
- Thermal wheel
- Thermogain coil
- Glycol based heat recovery network
- Thermal storage with Airex PCM (Phase Change Material)
- Integrated cooling coil
- The new 2010 PowerFX
- Combination of the above for optimum efficiency
Selection Criteria
- Building height
- Existing negative pressure
- Indoor air quality to respect local codes and regulations
- Local meteorological conditions
- Building inside temperature
- Supplied air volume
- Ductwork length